Mithril Nordic Helm0.10%
Red Sonata0.10%
Blue Maro0.10%
Red Maro0.10%
Flame Golden Circlet0.10%
Green Knucklevest0.10%
Maroon Jangoon Armor0.10%
Blue Knucklevest Pants0.10%
White Jangoon Pants0.10%
Red Moon Shoes0.10%
Blue Goldwind Shoes0.10%
Brown Double Boots0.10%
Brown Moon Gloves0.10%
Red Whip0.30%
Maple Claw100.00%
Medicine With Weird Vibes0.20%
Dark Crystal Ore0.70%
The Summoning Rock0.70%
Steel Ore0.70%
Garnet Ore12.50%
Monster Card4.00%
White Potion4.00%
Blue Potion4.00%
Mighty Bullet2.00%
Wraith Card