Fixing Blackbull's House
Lv. 10+
Summary: You must collect the materials to fix Blackbull's house.
Reward: EXP 300\r<br/>#Wprob#\r<br/>#i1092000:# #t1092000:# #c1092000# 1 개\r<br/>#i1092001:# #t1092001:# #c1092001# 1 개\r<br/>
Demand: EXP 300\r<br/>#Wprob#\r<br/>#i1092000:# #t1092000:# #c1092000# 1 개\r<br/>#i1092001:# #t1092001:# #c1092001# 1 개\r<br/>
Main dialogue
Can you get me 30 #t4000003s and 50 4000018s? I'm trying to remodel my house and make it bigger ... If you can do it, I'll hook you up with a nice shield that I don't really need ... You'll get plenty if you take down the ones that look like trees.