We have already reached the final stage of the basic training. I can literally see you make progress before my very own eyes. This time, let's take it up a notch and have you face the formidable Mimi.
Head over to 130010200, and you'll run across 0100124. They are comparatively more powerful with more stamina than other Mimis. Brace yourself for some difficult combat, and slay 3 0100124s for me. Good luck.
Are you afraid of the fact that these Mimis are more powerful than anything you've faced before? Don't worry about it. You've been defeating monsters that you once thought were more powerful than those previous.
Defeat mobs
Main dialogue
Amazing! You were able to take on the 0100124s and emerge victorious! I have to say, it's not often I get to see a Nobless like you making such quick strides. 1101002 should be pleased with the results.