Dragon Outcasts
Lv. 120+
Available to jobs
Dawn Warrior
Dawn Warrior 2
Wind Archer 3
Wind Archer 4
Night Walker
Night Walker 2
Night Walker 3
Night Walker 4
Thunder Breaker
Thunder Breaker 2
Thunder Breaker 3
Thunder Breaker 4
Dawn Warrior 3
Dawn Warrior 4
Blaze Wizard
Blaze Wizard 2
Blaze Wizard 3
Blaze Wizard 4
Wind Archer
Wind Archer 2
Required quests
Main dialogue
When I told 1103000 the 4001207s he showed me were similar to that of the Dragon Outcasts, he took off in hopes of finding the Dragon Outcasts. The house of the Dragon Outcasts can only be accessed through 240020401 or 240020101, so be careful.
Afterwards, I was never able to see 1103000 again. I wonder if he was captured by the Dragon Outcasts. Recently, there have been reports of theft on the dragon's eggs... Hopefully he's not involved in that.
Main dialogue
4001207 is trying to tell me something, but I have no idea what it's saying. I hate being in strange, dangerous areas, so I stay in this forest at all times. How are my scales supposedly out there being passed around? Are you looking down on me because I'm a Halfling?
Seriously, that old man Tatamo! I can see why he wouldn't like me, but that doesn't give him a right to make baseless assumptions! He should spend that time looking for 9001010, the person responsible for stealing an egg...