Supplements for Mimiana
Lv. 50+
Available to jobs
Dawn Warrior
Wind Archer 2
Wind Archer 3
Wind Archer 4
Night Walker
Night Walker 2
Night Walker 3
Night Walker 4
Thunder Breaker
Thunder Breaker 2
Thunder Breaker 3
Dawn Warrior 2
Thunder Breaker 4
Dawn Warrior 3
Dawn Warrior 4
Blaze Wizard
Blaze Wizard 2
Blaze Wizard 3
Blaze Wizard 4
Wind Archer
Required quests
Main dialogue
Oh hello there. It seems like there's a sudden flurry of Knights that have recently come here wanting to take up on the Monster Mount, and you're one of them. So how can I help you...? Ah, the supplements.
It's good to see that you're intent on buying these supplements. Since we've met before and all, I'll give you a discount and sell it to you for 10,000,000 mesos. I know there are a lot of zeros so let's make it clear. It'll cost you 10 million mesos.