The Mount in Danger
Quest Line : The Birth of Shinjo
Available to jobs
Dawn Warrior 4
Blaze Wizard 4
Wind Archer 4
Night Walker 4
Thunder Breaker 4
Required quests
Main dialogue
A Mount is not just your ride but also your friend and companion. That is why your Mount is very dependent on you and easily affected by you. When you're strong, your Mount becomes strong. That's just how Mounts work. But, unfortunately, all Mounts have limits.
Your Mount has become stronger as your companion, but it reached its limit as soon as you reached Lv.120 and became the Chief Knight. Simply put, you've become too strong for your Mount and your Mount cannot keep up with you.
It's wonderful that you've become so strong, but your Mount is suffering because of it. We should tend to your Mount quickly. I'll first put your Mount in the special Incubator and see what I can do to recover its health. I don't know how effective this will be, but we should try everything we can, right?
As you may have guessed, it will cost you some Mesos to use the Incubator. It will cost you even more to use the special Incubator, but what can you do? This is all for your Mount.
Unlocks quest