Main dialogue
Hey, um ... have seen a coin around here? Oh my gosh, I'm in deep trouble ... I was going to pay my friend back with that coin so I put it in my pocket ... I guess the coin fell out of it and fell deep into the subway. It's a special coin, so my friend's going to be really mad about it. Well, can I ask you a favor? Can you find it for me?
Thanks! Good thing I asked. Phew ... I saw a couple of guys draped in white cloth picking that coin up when I dropped it in the subway and running away with it ... I tried to chase them down but the entrance was blocked so I couldn't go much further...
Resulting items
Main dialogue
Yeah, this is it!! There are lots of different coins, but this one's special, because it was made the same year my friend was born. In short, they were created the same year...what? you want to know where the year is written? You must have bad eyes, because if you look close enough, you'll be able to see it.