Required quests
Main dialogue
The fossils you've gotten me were critical materials. Those fossils contain clues that may lead us to discover the secrets behind the special abilities of the prehistoric life. Use them well, and it will help us regular people out tremendously.
I knew you'd help me out. Please get the final report to Dr. Winston. Oh, and before coming up to him, gather up 100 Leaves, 50 logs of Firewood, 1 Stump's Tear, and 1 pair of Weight Earrings. Dr. Winston will be very pleased with the report and may reward you with something nice.
Required items
Resulting items
Main dialogue
Welcome, welcome. You're the one that helped me get my fossils back the other day. I heard that you've also helped Dr. Betty with her studies. She said she gave you the final report for me to look at. Did you bring it?