Mission in Kerning City
Lv. 16+
Available to jobs
Dawn Warrior
Wind Archer 2
Wind Archer 3
Wind Archer 4
Night Walker
Night Walker 2
Night Walker 3
Night Walker 4
Thunder Breaker
Thunder Breaker 2
Thunder Breaker 3
Dawn Warrior 2
Thunder Breaker 4
Dawn Warrior 3
Dawn Warrior 4
Blaze Wizard
Blaze Wizard 2
Blaze Wizard 3
Blaze Wizard 4
Wind Archer
Required quests
Main dialogue
1103002 will brief you on the rest of the assignment. May your efforts bring glory to the Empress.
Main dialogue
...What is this, are you the Knight that's assigned to 103000000? You look pretty weak... what can you do? This neighborhood isn't even the best in town.