Wooden Mask
Lv. 25+
Available to jobs
Dawn Warrior
Wind Archer 2
Wind Archer 3
Wind Archer 4
Night Walker
Night Walker 2
Night Walker 3
Night Walker 4
Thunder Breaker
Thunder Breaker 2
Thunder Breaker 3
Dawn Warrior 2
Thunder Breaker 4
Dawn Warrior 3
Dawn Warrior 4
Blaze Wizard
Blaze Wizard 2
Blaze Wizard 3
Blaze Wizard 4
Wind Archer
Required quests
Main dialogue
Oh, the detector works. Good thing it works well... but wait, why is it reacting like this...? Um, I'm sorry to tell you this since you just arrived, but I need you to get involved in this assignment immediately! The detector is reacting! #L0#What is this detector for?#l\n
This detector detects forces of darkness connected to the puppeteer. Since the detector is reacting, that means the puppeteer is planning something nearby! #L0#Where's the location?#l\n
Main dialogue
Wow, you were able to defeat all the 2230110s and retrieve the doll as well! Thank goodness this was working, but still.. Once is not enough. No, no, it's nothing. I'll let you know if I find something peculiar with the detector.