Find the Puppeteer!
Lv. 28+
Available to jobs
Dawn Warrior
Wind Archer 2
Wind Archer 3
Wind Archer 4
Night Walker
Night Walker 2
Night Walker 3
Night Walker 4
Thunder Breaker
Thunder Breaker 2
Thunder Breaker 3
Dawn Warrior 2
Thunder Breaker 4
Dawn Warrior 3
Dawn Warrior 4
Blaze Wizard
Blaze Wizard 2
Blaze Wizard 3
Blaze Wizard 4
Wind Archer
Required quests
Main dialogue
When entering the home, there seems to be a password that blocks the entrance. Well, it's not even a password, since the answer's already out there if you've been gathering all the information. If you're still unsure of the password, then I'll tell you what it is, so start the conversation with me again.
Main dialogue
You were able to defeat 9300285! Brilliant! I knew you'd be up to the task. Hmmm... for someone who just defeated the puppeteer, you look somber. What is it?
Black Wings... Did 1104000 the 9300285 really mention that? I see... so he was also part of the Black Wings...
Black Wings are a group of followers of Black Mage. They long for the time when Black Mage controlled the world and would do anything to bring the Wizard back to life and regain control of the world. I can't believe the 9300285 was also a member of the Black Wings. It looks like they'll become active once more.