Required quests
Main dialogue
Good to see you again. Actually, I have been waiting for you. I have never had a chance to formally thank you for taking out the Ligators at the swamp before. Thanks to your heroics, the people at the tribe had been feeling safe passing by the area.
Lately, however, we have found out that a bunch of 5130103s have been residing at the deeper part of the swamps. 5130103 is much more powerful and intimidating than the Ligators, and it can create a havoc unlike any of the alligators in this world. So here I am, asking you for help one more time. Please help us take out the alligators. Can you do that for us?
Resulting items
Main dialogue
You are incredible, indeed. You single-handedly took out all those 5130103s! Thanks to your incredible effort, we can all feel safe now walking across the swamps.
Thank you so much. Your heroics will be recorded and be passed down from generation to generation amongst our tribe, and we'll take good care of 4000033. It's a high-quality leather, one that can be used on multiple purposes. Hope you have a safe journey. Best of luck to you.