Alright, let's cut to the chase. I still need the items that take an integral part of this ritual. I need the spirit rocks of the monsters that live beyond those two doors.
They'll be difficult to handle, but those spirit rocks are essential to this ritual. Can you gather them up for me?
The Spirit Rock is a small, shiny rock that contains their sealed spirit. Please get me . 33 4031213s, 18 4031214s, and 18 4031215s
Okay, there are two roads, and in order to obtain the item, you'll need to take both. Hurry! Please gather up their Spirit Rocks quickly!
I can't start the ritual without them!
Required items
Wild Kargo's Spirit Rock
Tauromacis's Spirit Rock
Taurospear's Spirit Rock
Resulting items
Wild Kargo's Spirit Rock
Tauromacis's Spirit Rock
Taurospear's Spirit Rock
Power Elixir
Main dialogue
Be careful! I need those items for the ritual! They may be spirit rocks, but you should be more careful with it than that. If you're not being careful with it, one slip-up can ruin the whole thing! Man... just incredible... just incredible...
Great job! It's been a while since I last saw a great soldier like you.