Stay Away From Strangers
Lv. 50+
Summary: Let's start a conversation with the strange man.
Reward: EXP 10,000
Demand: EXP 10,000
Required quests
Main dialogue
Did you seen a strange man on your way down here? I haven't seen a single person around here in ages, and it seems a bit odd that this person suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Isn't that weird? He even had chains around his ankles! I can't stop wondering who this person is. How do you feel about investigating him?
Main dialogue
What a beautiful day it is. I know you and that other man are here to see what you can find out about me, but I'm just a person like you. I have nothing to reveal, so stop wasting your time and energy, and just go back to where you came from.\r\n#L0#Who are you?#l\n