Karcasa's Memory 2
Quest Line : About the Mushroom Castle...
Reward: EXP 2,000\r\nCan proceed to 'Karcasa Relents' quest\r\n
Demand: EXP 2,000\r\nCan proceed to 'Karcasa Relents' quest\r\n
Required quests
Main dialogue
Main dialogue
Ohh, nice. There's nothing that captivates the visitors of a desert quite like an oasis! Ah, anyway, what did you need me for again?\r\n#L0#Mushroom Castle! Come on!#l\n
Oh yeah. You're talking about the Mushroom Castle, right? It's part of the Mushking Empires. I've heard that Mushking is going through some troubles as of late. Do you want more on this story? \n#L0#You already told me this earlier!#l\n