Oh, I've figured it out! We need the right fragrance to go with the right costume, duh! Every piece of clothing needs to be complemented with its own scent. That'll make things perfect, don't you think?
Yes, that's it. If Blake wants to become a star, he needs the right hair, makeup, costume. and smell! We have three costumes, so we'll need three different fragrances.\r\nPlease bring me 30 Pink Perfumes, 30 Yellow Perfumes, and 30 Blue Perfumes.
You didn't think that would be enough, did you?
Required items
Pink Perfume
Yellow Perfume
Blue Perfume
Resulting items
Pink Perfume
Yellow Perfume
Blue Perfume
Main dialogue
Did you bring the Perfumes I've requested? Let's see 'em!
Mmm, each perfume smells unique and delicious. Yummy. But I don't know which scent goes with which outfit. What do you think, #h0#? I'll give you some time to think it over.