Debut Preparations Completed
Lv. 50+
Reward: 37,200 EXP\r\n#Wbasic#\r\n#i1032075:# #t1032075:# 1
Demand: 37,200 EXP\r\n#Wbasic#\r\n#i1032075:# #t1032075:# 1
Required quests
Main dialogue
Main dialogue
Hi, #h0#! Long time no see! Did you lose something?\r\n#L0#No, actually, I've spent a lot of time and energy getting your debut ready with the CEO of Big Hit Records.#l\n
What?! Are... Are you serious?! Does this mean I can finally perform?\r\n#L0#Yup! Oh, and Lana wanted me to tell you that you must practice, practice, practice until your debut.#l\n