The Story Behind the Case
Lv. 30+
Summary: You should pay a visit to the Mushking Empire's #bSecretary of Domestic Affairs#k.
Reward: EXP 4,000\r\nCan proceed to 'Exploring Mushroom Forest (1)' quest\r\n
Demand: EXP 4,000\r\nCan proceed to 'Exploring Mushroom Forest (1)' quest\r\n
Required quests
Main dialogue
Unlocks quest
Oh, you must be the hero that the Head Security Officer talked about. Our kingdom is currently in a state of emergency because we were invaded by King Pepe from Ice Land and lost our kingdom. To make matters worse, our own Princess Violetta has been kidnapped and taken into their custody.
That dastardly King Pepe! He knew that Mushking was not doing well physically and was ready to hand the throne over to Princess Violetta, and attacked before that could happen. His plan surely must be to arrange for King Pepe's dumb son Prince Giuseppe and Princess Violetta to marry to orchestrate a takeover of the Mushking Empire. Right now, we must save Princess Violetta from their grasp. Please save the Princess for us!