Over the Castle Walls (2)
Lv. 30+
Summary: You should investigate the castle walls of the Mushking Empire and report the results to the #bSecretary of Domestic Affairs#k.
Reward: EXP 11,000\r\nCan proceed to 'Over the Castle Walls (3)' quest\r\n
Demand: EXP 11,000\r\nCan proceed to 'Over the Castle Walls (3)' quest\r\n
Required quests
Main dialogue
Like I said, just breaking the barrier is not enough cause for celebration. The Mushroom Castle is extremely secure and does not allow anyone outside the Mushking Empire to enter, so it may not be so easy to infiltrate the castle. Hmmm... To figure out a way to enter, can you investigate the outer walls of the castle first?
Unlocks quest