James's Whereabouts (2)
Lv. 30+
Summary: You should bring a #b#t4001317##k to #b#p1300008##k to help him escape.
Reward: EXP 12,000\r\nCan proceed to James's Whereabouts (3) quest\r\n
Demand: EXP 12,000\r\nCan proceed to James's Whereabouts (3) quest\r\n
Required quests
Before I hid here, I think I saw a penguin walking around the area with a strange-looking helmet. If you can get me that helmet, then I think I'll be able to disguise myself as one of the penguins and escape this place. Please get me the 4001317.
Unlocks quest
Main dialogue
Did you bring back a 4001317 for me?