Sending Provisions (1)
Lv. 30+
Summary: You should gather #b200 #t4000502#s#k for #b#p1300005##k.
Reward: EXP 17,500\r\nCan proceed to 'Sending Provisions (2)' quest\r\n
Demand: EXP 17,500\r\nCan proceed to 'Sending Provisions (2)' quest\r\n
Required quests
Main dialogue
You'll be entering the castle soon, and… Well, I actually have a favor to ask of you. While we hurriedly vacated the castle, we neglected to pack enough supplies for the soldiers. The Head Security Officer and his men are working hard protecting the area, but they are in dire need of some supplies. Please help them, ok?
Unlocks quest
Main dialogue
Thank you so much! We've been terribly short on combat supplies. I can't believe we have been backed into a corner like this... Please, please defeat 1300001 for all of us.