Truth Revealed
Lv. 30+
Summary: You have to bring the #b#t4032387##k given to you by #bPrincess #p1300002##k to #b#p1300000##k and explain what really happened.
Reward: EXP 6,600\r\n#Wbasic#\r\n#i1082254:# #t1082254:# 1 \n
Demand: EXP 6,600\r\n#Wbasic#\r\n#i1082254:# #t1082254:# 1 \n
Required quests
Main dialogue
My father must be concerned about me, and I must notify him of what's going on. I don't think he's going to believe that the Prime Minister was the traitor. Take this Emblem with you. That's the only thing that'll make him believe you.
And also… Please take this 4032386 to him as well. It's a symbol of their surrender, so we should keep it within our Empire and use it to let the whole world know of King Pepe's evil plot to overthrow the Empire.
Main dialogue
Oh, it really is our 4032387. How could this have happened? I trusted him with everything. It really is all my fault. It's all my fault for failing to take good care of my family and letting my empire down. *Sniff sniff*
Anyway, thank goodness all this is done. Now we can concentrate on removing the rest of their army and reclaiming what is rightfully our castle. Thank you.
The 1082254 that I have given you is a glove that has been passed down for generations throughout the history of our great empire. Please put it to good use.