Virus is Spreading Via the Water?
Quest Line : The Cause of Sickness
Reward: Exp 300\r<br/>Able to proceed to 'Find the Clues!' as next quest.\r<br/>
Demand: Exp 300\r<br/>Able to proceed to 'Find the Clues!' as next quest.\r<br/>
Available to jobs
FP Wizard
Blaze Wizard
Blaze Wizard 2
Blaze Wizard 3
Blaze Wizard 4
IL Wizard
FP Mage
IL Mage
FP Archmage
IL Archmage
Required quests
Main dialogue
Like human bodies, monsters' bodies mainly consist of water. And looking at the samples you brought me, I've found a number of different viruses in the fluids.\nThis means there are germs living in the water they drink, which means someone has gone out of his way to inject viruses into the water.
You know how serious this is, don't you?\n\nCould you go over to 9201120 the plumber in Kerning City and ask him if he's seen something strange in the water?
Main dialogue
Hi, 1052001 must have sent you.\nHmm? The water is infected with a virus?\nNo way! Who would do such a thing to our drinking water?