The Descendent of the Author of the Book of Ancient
Quest Line : In Search of the Book of Ancient
Lv. 55+
Summary: I should go see Hella in Orbis.
Reward: Can proceed to the 'Hella's Missing'' quest\r<br/>
Demand: Can proceed to the 'Hella's Missing'' quest\r<br/>
Main dialogue
Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Alcaster the Sorcerer, studying the intricate details of magic and wizardry for over 300 years here. Say, I haven't seen someone with a piercing, affirming look in the eyes like you have in a while. I feel safe asking someone like you for help. What do you think? I am sure you may be busy with your other endeavors, but can you make some time and listen to my story?
Recently I found something very interesting from an old book that I was looking at while studying forbidden magic. The book states that somewhere around Ossyria, an incredible book by the name of 4031056 is hidden away. It was used ages ago at a war but its whereabouts have been questionable at best since. At least the very existence of the book is recorded for us to wonder...
I'd like to have that book with me and study it. I'm sure once it's discovered the book will be full of important, previously-unknown knowledge on spells. Too bad I'm very old and in need of more research here so I won't be able to find it myself. I'm sorry, but can you find 4031056 for me? I know it won't be easy, but I can at least help you out a little bit.
Thank you! But it will be impossible for you to locate the book without any information on its whereabouts. According to this book, a descendant of the author of 4031056 resides in Orbis. That person may have a clue or two on 4031056's whereabouts. I'll be waiting for you to come back with good news. Good luck.
Unlocks quest