Where's Hella?
Quest Line : In Search of the Book of Ancient
Lv. 55+
Summary: I should go back to Housekeeper Elma in Orbis.
Reward: 2,000 EXP <br/> Can proceed to the "One Clue" quest.\r<br/>
Demand: 2,000 EXP <br/> Can proceed to the "One Clue" quest.\r<br/>
Required quests
Main dialogue
You are looking for Hella? It is true that I've been friends with her for years, but this time, she really took off without much of a word...I've gone everywhere, going to every place that had anything to do with her, to no avail. Hella left home soon after losing her mother a few months ago. It ... will be hard to find her. I think you should give up on the search, too.
You are not giving up, are you? Well, I have one place I can think of right this minute. I remember Hella mentioning her keepsake from her late mother the other day. One day it got stolen by someone, and I think she may have gone looking for it. Maybe that's what she did. Elma the Housekeeper may know a thing or two about it so how about going back to Hella's house and ask Elma about it?
Unlocks quest