Did Moppie like it? How did he react? Did you tell him I sent for it? ... really? Moppie liked it THAT much?
I'm just embarrassed for myself, for failing to take care of myself. Alright, then. I should at least feed him with something he likes. I should send him 200 this time. What do you think? Can you do it? Please do this for the sake of my research.
Thank you! I may even put your name in one of the studies I have conducted over the years. Make sure to pick up the fishes that the Jr. Pepes drop at the bottom of Orbis Tower. 200 fishes for Moppie!
I see ... you don't want to help out anymore...?
Required items
Jr. Pepe's Fish
Resulting items
Jr. Pepe's Fish
Hot Dog Supreme
Orbis Rock Scroll
Pet Food
Main dialogue
Bark, did my master send for it again? Bark! He should be busy beyond belief with his research, and still thinks about me... bark! That's cool!
That smell of fish filling up this room. Bark! Thanks! Oh, and the next time you see my master, tell him I still love it! Bark bark!