Required quests
Main dialogue
Aren't you the one that helped me out last time? I'm still here, studying the general living organisms of Aqua Road. Thanks to your help, I was able to uncover some questionable points regarding the state of life here, but there are still way too many things to uncover here. That's why, this time, I'd like to gather up the samples of other animals here. Will you help me out here once more?
Thank you so much. I knew you'd help out. It's just like the last time you helped me out, in that this time, I'd like to study the fishes. Please gather up the DNA samples of Flower Fish, Masked Fish, and Bubble Fish, and I need ONE of each.\n\n4031262 1 4031262\n4031263 1 4031263\n4031264 1 4031264
Required items
Resulting items