Main dialogue
Hello, there. I'm Kenta, the animal trainer here at the Aquarium Zoo. You seem to be raising a pet there. Spend some time with an animal, and you'll find yourself with some warmth in your heart towards them. That's how I became an animal trainer. Take good care of your pet, and your pet will in return show undivided loyalty towards you.
Is your pet always a step too slow? If your pet's loyalty level is low, the pet will sometimes wander off and not pay attention to its owner. If the loyalty level is up there, however, the pet will follow each step of the owner on time. I'll give you an opportunity to raise your pet's loyalty level. What do you think? Do you want to do it?
Good! Pet's loyalty level increases when it endures tough times with its owner. Once you tackle on the quest I'll give you with your trusty pet, your pet's loyalty level will increase before you know it.
Your task now is to find the hidden items I've displaced all over Aqua Road with your pet. The item you need to find is a small piece of paper. Please find the 5 pieces of paper that are different in all shapes and sizes. You'll also need to raise your pet's closeness level to at least 15. The loyalty won't increase, if your pet's just not familiar with you.
Required items
Resulting items
Main dialogue