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I see a lot of traveling humans up here in Orbis. I'm sure each and every one of them are here to observe the world from an elevated stand point, but as a fairy, I really don't understand the need to see from up there, since I can just straighten up the wings and fly wherever you want. \n#L0#But there are places you can't go with the wings on, a place like Aqua Road.#l
I heard there's a place called Aqua Road deep in the middle of the ocean. I have seen the ocean from up here a million times, and seriously, what's so incredible about a huge body of blue water? Lisa went there a few days ago and came back with nothing but praise about Aqua Road, but it's nothing compared to what we the fairies see. \n#L0#No, no! Aqua Road is a beautiful place. You'll see what I mean if you ever get to go there.#l
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Main dialogue
Aqua Road... indeed, it's a beautiful place. It didn't seem like anything more than a huge body of water looking from up there, but... to think all these beautiful things are around under the sea... I was just being ignorant. I didn't think long and hard enough about this. Hey, traveler, I strongly recommend you walk around and observe each and everything that's around this world.