Main dialogue
Her name is 2032001. She may be human, but she can see things most humans never pick up. She lives somewhere in 200000000, probably in Cloud Park with her student. She may be on the feisty side, but she's a great person, a rarity among humans.
She sometimes sends her student here to buy some food, since at Cloud Park, there's nothing to eat other than some Nependeath Fruits... but it's odd she hadn't come for a while. I'm sure they ran out of food, too.
I'm not interested in human problems, but since 2032001 has been our customer, it does bother me a little that she may be hungry. Please deliver some food to 2032001's student for me. I'll need 20 each of apple, egg, orange. She'll pay for it. Since you're a fellow human, you should relish the opportunity to help a fellow human out.
Main dialogue
Ah, I'm sorry, but she does not prefer speaking with strangers, so if you need anything... please talk to me instead. What? Kriel sent some food for us? Wow...