Required quests
Main dialogue
Have you met someone who remembers the details of what happened? Who? 2161002... He was the captain of the king's knights. I didn't know he was still here... So, what did 2161002 have to say? Did you learn what made Leon change so drastically?\r\n#L0#(You explained everything you heard from 2161002.)#l\n
Yes...that's right. That day, thick, black clouds covered the sky, and a group of soldiers marched into our kingdom and attacked us. The castle walls crumbled and everything was in flames. And I was in the tower...filled with smoke...and that's what happened.\r\n#L0#(Judging from 2161001's reaction, 2161002's story seems to be true.)#l\n
So that's why Leon changed. I resented Leon for everything that happened. But I know better now. I won't let him stay like this any longer.\r\n#L0#Do you have a solution?#l\n
Main dialogue
This is the pendant I gave Leon as a gift. It was from my heart, in hope of seeing his wisdom grow as a king. He still had it. He is still a kind person, deep down.