Required quests
Main dialogue
What do you want from an old guy like me? If it's about magic or alchemy, I can help you, but... what? 4031696? Yes I do have those, but... how do you know about it?
4031695 is a flower borne out of alchemy. Most people don't know that. I don't think you are an alchemist either, so I am baffled as to how you found out about it...
4031696 is a special, rare item. I can't give it to you for free... but if you do me a favor, then I will give you one. Deal?
Then I want you to defeat 100 Leattys. Everyone in town have been vocal about how they are destroying Orbis Tower, so if you help them out by defeating Leattys, then I'll give you 4031696.
If you decline this offer, then I can't give you 4031696 either. I am sorry.
Main dialogue
Ohh.... So you were able to defeat all 100 Leattys. I am very impressed. Here, please take it. It's 4031696.
But in order to put this in full bloom, an alchemist will have to help you do that. I don't know how you are going to try to put 4031695 in full bloom, but... the seed itself isn't worth much.