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Did you see 2110301 outside this town...? They look a little funny, but they aren't to be messed with. Unless you are trained traveler, they are very tough to battle against...
How do I know this so well? I was abused by them before, that's why. My right eye is missing right now because of that... What? It looks natural? Of course it does... it's made very well for something that's mechanical from the get go.
Main dialogue
Good work... now I can make the medicine. Isn't it ironic? That the very eye I had lost due to poison from scorpions will be saved using the very same poison. Sometimes, the ones that are the most dangerous are the ones that can be put to great use. Something like the experiments conducted by Alcadno...
Yes, I used to be an alchemist for Zenumist. However, after I lost my eye, and was unable to continue my studies, the Zenumists stopped accepting me as one of their own. I mean, for alchemists, eyes are everything... and despite all that, the Alcadnos accepted me.
Life Alchemy... It is a dangerous territory, indeed, one that's very risky to begin with. However, there's no denying its importance. If people are avoiding it just because of its dangerous nature, then no one will benefit from it.
There was a time when the studies conducted by Zenumist were considered the very best. Not anymore, though. They are just basking in their past glory, complacent in their work. As long as they keep staying in that "comfort zone," they will never advance to new heights, which will turn out to be their downfall.