Required quests
Main dialogue
Thanks for deciding to help me out once more! The people upstairs, the higher-ranked officials, said thanks to you for your help. The people upstairs have been waiting for the creation of the Antidote to combat the poison attack the aliens feature. I'm sorry, but the material you gathered up for me have run out, so... please gather up 400 4000120s for me. Okay?
Main dialogue
You're back. Did you gather up the 400 4000120s like I asked you to get? Alright, then. I can finally continue on with the Antidote studies. Well, this isn't much, but I'm sure it'll help you on your journey, so please use it wisely.
You really gathered up the finest-quality tentacles available. Do you see the purple liquid that's flowing on the cover? It looks like a lethal poison, and it scares a lot out of me. Alright, now, gotta go back to the studies. Please remember that I may run out of the materials sometime soon, and please keep dropping by, alrght? Good bye!