My name is 2050009. Have you met 2050008 by any chance? He is truly a wonderful person. I feel so privileged to serve under him. As I was training the staff recently, I thought of this great plan that would help him. Would you like to hear my plan?
So the plan make a 04000101 wall! You don't seem impressed~ Think about it. This is a revolutionary idea. There are countless 4230109 around our base. If we can construct a defensive wall by using these limitless 4230109, 2050008 won't have to ever worry about alien attacks!
What do you think? Since now you know, get moving! When you finish collecting 04000101, take it to 2050001 and get it appraised for me. Oh, remember that he is a very busy person. He is said be starting a very important research project in 30 minutes, so you must go see him before that!
What! Are you saying there is something more important than a matter that regards 2050008!?
Required items
Yellow Toy Block
Resulting items
Yellow Toy Block
Main dialogue
This isn't some place anyone can just come in. If you're going to be loud, go outside so you don't bother the research.
Hm... This is... Why did you bring these to me? He said to bring it to me?
2050009... His obsessive loyalty is his problem. Otherwise, he is a great soldier but sometimes he thinks of really strange things like this. His idea of constructing a wall using 04000101 is not such a bad idea... It would easy to stack them up...
But think about it. What good is a wall when aliens can fly through the sky? In other words, all the work you and 2050009 have been doing was for nothing. 2050008 and I will take care of the alien problem so you don't have to worry about it.