Thank you for returning 4031430 to me... now, do you still need me for something? What? 2071010 wants you to borrow 4031431 for him? Well, I can certainly lend it to you, but ... if you can do me a favor, then I'll lend it to you.
Hey! You're the one that got me the Yeti Keychain last time! Since you're here again, I'm guessing you have some new dolls for me, right?
I am afraid I can't lend you 4031431 if you do not wish to help me out here.
Required items
The Legendary Being's Scroll <Advanced>
Resulting items
The Legendary Being's Scroll <Advanced>
Main dialogue
Oh, you found 4031432! Incredible! 5120506 is really hard to tackle, because it has the secret art of an old master.
Now that you have brought 4031432, it's time for me to give you 4031431, but... hold on one second. One of my other students borrowed 4031431, so I'll have to get that back first. I've been waiting for this for a while, but now I'll finally be able to read 4031432...