I am Bored!
Quest Line : Malek's Joy of Music
Lv. 50+
Reward: Exp 30,000\r<br/>8,000 Meso\r<br/>Able to proceed to 'All taken away!' as next quest.\r<br/>
Demand: Exp 30,000\r<br/>8,000 Meso\r<br/>Able to proceed to 'All taken away!' as next quest.\r<br/>
Required quests
Main dialogue
Dear traveler, it's nice to see you coming to our Kampung Village. Hope you will have a great time here. Kampung life is great, but nothing is more boring than staying inside the village with nothing to do, you know?
I believe 100 4000466s will do just fine. Hope it won't take too long for you to gather them. Now, hurry on!
Main dialogue
This is just great! What a fine instrument a 4000466 is, don't you think?