Oly Oly is back!
Quest Line : Chee Wee's Worries
Lv. 57+
Reward: Exp 33,300\r<br/>#Wbasic#\r<br/>#i4003000:# #t4003000:# 20\r<br/>
Demand: Exp 33,300\r<br/>#Wbasic#\r<br/>#i4003000:# #t4003000:# 20\r<br/>
Required quests
Main dialogue
Sigh...My worst fears have become reality. I was just informed that even more people have stolen their tires. Even for the public bus, too!
Just imagine a city without proper transportation. Dreadful! Someone has got to put an end to this callous thievery.
You were so brave to take down those sneaky 9420530 last time. Why don't you step up for the task? Maybe you could bring peace to this city once and for all. What do you say?