Hunger calls
Quest Line : Nuri's Health and Beauty
Lv. 60+
Reward: Exp 6,000\r<br/>Able to proceed to 'I need Vitamin C' as next quest.\r<br/>
Demand: Exp 6,000\r<br/>Able to proceed to 'I need Vitamin C' as next quest.\r<br/>
Main dialogue
*Grook Grook* Oh no, this is embarrassing. Now, I'm sure you're aware of my hunger. At least it's not gas? Haha!
I don't know why, but I have such a big craving for the famous 2022203. A craving for exactly 10 of them. Will there be anyone who can get it for me from Local Speciality Shop in Singapore or Kampung?
Main dialogue
Yummy! 2022203 is one of my favorites!