Off to the Fantasy Theme Park
Lv. 90+
Reward: #Wbasic#\r<br/>#i4032246:# #t4032246:# #c4032246# 1\r<br/>#i4032246:# #t4032246:# #c4032246# 1\r<br/>
Demand: #Wbasic#\r<br/>#i4032246:# #t4032246:# #c4032246# 1\r<br/>#i4032246:# #t4032246:# #c4032246# 1\r<br/>
Main dialogue
Looking for some place exciting and fun to visit? Well, Fantasy Theme Park is just the perfect place to have fun. Well, it was. Sadly, it's rather dangerous to go near these days. Do you know why?
My dear friend, Aldol told me that Fantasy Theme Park is being attacked by some deadly creatures, and she's the only one keeping the place safe from them. But they're becoming much stronger by day, and she's desperately looking for some help.
That's great! Those creatures are secretly hidden in the Spooky World. As they are clever creatures, I say, not many people can see them. They hide themselves as a stone statue in the Fantasy Theme Park.
Required quests
Resulting items
Main dialogue
Okay, this is what's happening to Fantasy Theme Park. Lately, there have been 2 monsters that keep coming in here, ruining this beautiful place and scaring off all the children. Several brave Maplers tried to defeat them, but these 2 monsters are so sneaky, they transform themselves into something else to hide from Maplers.
The Spirit of Fantasy Theme Park Lam gave you actually contains a mysterious spirit that will be used as a key to break their disguise. But I must stress, do NOT call both of them at the same time! They might appear to be somewhat smaller than other deadly monsters you've come across before, but they sure are strong and fierce enough that you can't possibly take both of them down at the same time.
Okay, here are the Spirit of Fantasy Theme Park for each statue. If you put this Spirit under the statue, you can invoke the villains. I suggest you bring as many friends as possible, since those monsters are dangerous.