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Hello. You wouldn't have seen my doll lying around anywhere would you? \n\r\n#L0#A doll? There are tons of dolls in this house!#l
It's the first one that Daddy ever made for me. Her name is Annabelia. She's not as fancy as some of his new dolls, and I haven't had a chance to clean her so she might be a little dirty. Daddy keeps making fancier and fancier dolls. But to me, Annabelia's very special. I'm old enough to know she's just a doll but she's been my friend since I was a baby. I... I feel like I've been looking for her forever. If you find her, would you mind returning her to me?
Thank you! I've tried to ask grown-ups to help me look for her but no one has... so I've just been looking by myself. Daddy's always too busy with his toys, and Ludmilla doesn't like me much.
Sometimes, I think she secretly takes my toys away to punish me ? even when I've done nothing wrong! - though she always denies it.\r\nMaybe Edmunds might have seen Annabelia... though Ludmilla keeps him busy
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