Main dialogue
I had just finished writing up the last part of my Summary Report and was packing up camp. I turned my back for one second and when I looked back, there was this pale, black-haired kid standing on the Mansion steps, staring at me. Creepy little guy...
At first I thought he was a trick-or-treater, but before I could react, the kid grabbed all the Smores I had cooked up and ran into the Mansion with them! I tried to chase him but he was in that door in a flash. My eyes might have been playing tricks on me but he moved faster than any little kid I'd ever seen before! \n\r\n#L0#Really? That sounds creepy...#l
After this whole fiasco--er, I mean, trying ordeal--I don't want to go back to the office empty-handed. I need to get those Smores back! Tell you what... all MBI agents are given access to a discretionary fund for missions. We're supposed to use it only for emergencies, but well, dang it... I'll pay you for each Smore you bring back to me! Please, will you help me recover my treats?
You will?! Really?! Wonderful! You're a life saver! Just go in there and get those Smores back for me. I really don't care about the kid at this point, so I don't care if you find him... I just want my Smores back! Hopefully, he hasn't eaten all of them by now. In any case, I made a bunch but 25 Smores should be enough for me to take back to the fellas at headquarters.
Main dialogue