Main dialogue
Hello there~ I am 2040050. You know I love to travel around the Maple World. Since I have been to so many places in Maple World, I was fortunate to learn some new skills that others couldn't even find!
Well, well, well... I am sure that it was quite uncomfortable for you so far, because you were only able to use scrolls on equipped items. No more worries! With this new skill, you will be able to use the scrolls on items even if you are not wearing them. How cool is that?
However, I am preparing for another trip around the Maple World and time is running out. So, if you could please gather some of the items I need for my trip, I am willing to teach you how to use the scrolls on unequipped items. Deal?
Required items
Resulting items
Main dialogue
Please press "K" to open up your skills window and you will find the "Legendary Spirit" in the Beginner section. When this skill is clicked, you will be able to use scrolls on unequipped items. I bet it will be a useful skill for you. Farewell now, I'm off! I've heard rumors of a mythical creature in the Leafre region...supposedly more powerful than Zakum. I have to see if the rumor is true...