Main dialogue
That book... has dangerous truth in it. Cold silence and sharp fear. The book has it. But that's what you may need...
This is a fork in the road for you. From a metaphorical point of view, you are staring into the dark abyss, my friend. You must choose your way. Stability without risk or dangerous power that may corrupt you...
Do you want to know more about 04001107?
Yeah... You want stronger power. Are you sure? Being number one means that everyone else is after you...
There is someone who learned magic deep inside of the sea for a long time. Witch 2060100. Go to see her. She will be able to give you the knowledge you seek. I hope you've made the right choice.
Main dialogue
What has brought you here, so deep in the sea? ... 2081200? Do you mean Gritto in the Forest of Priests? I wonder why such a noble magician wants to see this horrible witch...
Interesting. This cold and damp energy reminds of me of death... Hmm, I'm sorry but as 2060100 I don't know about this book. However, I know how to read the book.