Main dialogue
Hi! Are you interested in a legend about a fearsome, fiery bird? You don't know? Never heard of the glowing star of the east, the story of 9300089? Would you like to hear about it? \r#L0# Tell me about it.
The story tells of an immortal bird which can live forever. This creature could only be the Phoenix. Many have said it's wings of fire are everlasting...that is why it is called an Immortal Bird. Such a powerful creature...\n\r#L0# Isn't is just a legend?
I thought so at first. But then, my friend in El Nath told me he saw a nest of 9300089 in the glowing lava. Isn't that wonderfull? I suppose they're real after all! \r#L0# Yes, it is.
9300089 probably doesn't hatch because it is beneath a snowy mountain. 9300089 is a bird so it will hatch when it can see the sky. If you are interested in 9300089, I suggest that you get the eggs! My mind can't bear the thought of those birds trapped, yearning for a glimpse at the sun...Are you game for some adventure?
Wow! Thank you! Nobody believed this story so I couldn't ask a favor. Not anymore! I'm glad you believe me. Please save the eggs!
4001113 was found in deep inside of the Cave of Trial. Maybe in the third cave? Check there!
Main dialogue
Ah! You found 4001113! It really is warm, unlike other eggs--they'd cook themselves! Maybe there is a bird of flame inside. Now maybe it can hatch...but how? Think you can help me again?
9300089 hasn't hatched such an egg, so I have no idea. But I'm an expert of egg-care and baby bird births! I can find out how, just give me a few minutes...