A Mysterious Sentence
Quest Line : Clean water from the Lava
Lv. 120+
Available to jobs
FP Archmage
Required quests
Main dialogue
I've unlocked the magic meaning. There is a sentence:\r\nThose who drink hell's fire can have it dwell within.
Go to see the magician 2020009 in El Nath. She, the elder of magicians in Ossyria, will know more about this.
Main dialogue
You look pretty strong. What are you doing here? Hey--I recognize that book! That book has the best fire element-based magic,2121003.
According to the legend, there is a lava river. If you use the essence of the lava, you can get 2121003. This is how to obatin such power.
I have been studying for a long time to learn the extremes of fire element-based magic, called 2121003. This is my first time to see this confirmed in writing. Wonderful!