What are you doing here? Looking for 4031454? I guess I got 4031454 from bottom of the sea. A few days ago, I picked up a gold glass. It looked miraculous.
I can't give it to you if you need it. But would you do me a favor?
I explored the sea for a long time and my equipment is all broken. To fix it. I have to go to 230000000 but don't have enough time. So I'm thinking of using a sturdy 4000180 to fix everything. Can you get 10 4000180 from 8150100?
It was tough to pull it up. It's worth it.
Required items
Shark Denture
Resulting items
Shark Denture
Holy Cup
Main dialogue
Finally, you came back. Thank you. This is what I picked up from the sea. Is this what you're looking for?
Good. I don't know where you're going to use it. It's valuable. Please keep it safe!