Tigun the Advisor
Doll in the Dark 2
Quest Line : Doll in the Dark
Lv. 55+
Required quests
Main dialogue
So 1012109's having a hard time writing a new history book?
I see. How about showing 1012109 the items that are being dropped by the monster he's looking for?
If it's about the doll monsters. then I advise you to hold on to 04000143. I think you'll find it by defeating 6230400. I suggest you gather up 50.
I see. IF so, then I can't think of another one. I'm sorry.
Required items
Zombie Teddy Bear
Resulting items
Dark scroll for Cape for HP 30%
Dark scroll for Bottomwear for HP 30%
Dark scroll for Topwear for HP 30%
Dark Scroll for Helmet for HP 30%
Dark scroll for Gloves for HP 30%
Dark scroll for Shield for HP 30%
Dark scroll for Cape for INT 30%
Dark Scroll for Helmet for INT 30%
Dark scroll for Cape for STR 30%
Dark scroll for Topwear for STR 30%
How was it? Did 2041022 give you any advise?
Wow, thanks a lot! I'll divulge into this monster more now. Hmmm, and ... I want to give this to you as my way of thanks. What should I give you? Ah, that's right, I chose this over other items, so please take it.