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I don't know, I don't know...\nSay, can you lend me your vast intelligence for a second? I have been losing sleep over this for the past 3 days.
Thank you. As you know, Area 7-2 is the sacred ground for herbs, and the reason why I've lived here for a very long time is because I can always collect the vast array of herbs that are readily available. It's also because I'm also looking for something totally different.
It's the archive of herbs that was written ages ago. It's the archive in which the very existence of itself is considered quite legendary.
Hmmm... I see.\nI went through hell and back, and\nfinally got a hold of that archive at a place deep in the forest where the sun cannot be reached.
I was overwhelmed, to say the least!\nThe archive on herbs, written by a scholar ages ago, in my very hands!\nOf course, people around me dismissed it as bogus, hahaha!
I just wanted to believe in the fact that this is the legendary archive people are talking about. By solving the riddles provided in this archive, I may be able to finally obtain "The Big 3", the three ancient types of herbs considered the pinnacle of all herbs.
Don't look at me suspiciously like that.\nOnce I find this, this may parlay into a ton of money! I'm not interested in it, however.\nIf I get to solve the riddle of this archive, and find the Big 3, rest assured I'll be rewarding you accordingly.
...\nThe spirit of black and white bids adieu to the land and appears before me. Mark on the two silent spirits, and the spirit will intermingle to transform into the 1st Herb.
...\nWhat do you think of the one that snuffs loneliness and darkness in the cradle, while the soul has long vacated the body? The soul that cannot return must find a soulmate that shall spend the eternity with. You're the doll, and inside, you shall find the 2nd Herb.
...\nRegarding the 3rd Herb, the page itself got ripped out, so there's no way to tell what's written here.\nAn archive that's missing the most important page...what a shame.
Regarding the 3rd Herb, I'll search through other books for clues. I'd appreciate it if you can solve the first two riddles for me.\nCan you do it?\nIn times like this, instincts play a big role in solving the riddles! Please think carefully before acting out on it.
Resulting items
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What do you think Sumi's like, committee member? I still can't find any clue regarding the 3rd Herb. I think it'll take more time than I thought.
I...I'm trembling with joy right now. I don't think I've ever felt this happy in my life.\nThis ... is the ancient herb...! I can't believe this!
The spirit of black and white... that were the pieces of Dark Stone Golem and Golem! Those pieces of rock sure had something elaborate on the surface. So the herb that fed off the mystical power emitted from this rock...that was the 1st Herb!
And the 2nd Herb. An abandoned doll without a soul... I kind of knew what that meant, but ...hmmm, yes, another presence that stayed in the same body, the Death Teddy that controls the doll. The controlled dolls were made out of cotton, and the cotton was the 2nd Herb!
Great job, committee member.\nI have to say, I'm very impressed with your depth of knowledge and intelingence. As the leader of the committee, I congratulate you of the job well done. May Sabitrama Archive Study Committee prosper!