Hey there. I've been standing here the whole time, working, and fatigue is slowly setting in. This is when I can use something sweet! Don't you think so, too?
Right? You look quite tired, too. This is when something smooth and sweet can work wonders, not like some chips. Right? haha
Say, if you have 20 2012002s of Ancient Trees, I can make a delicious 2010005. What do you think? Wanna help me out?
Hey, now that I look close, you look very healthy. I wish I could see the sun every once in a while, you know.
Required items
Sap of Ancient Tree
Resulting items
Sap of Ancient Tree
Main dialogue
Wow, you brought them all already? I'm sure you had trouble putting all these in your hands. Well, as promised, here it is. What do you think of the taste?